Loan conditions
(PB = Paperback; HB = Hardback; +V = Stereo Viewer included; pp = Pages) |
* * 3-D Film Archive | 3-D Rarities. (2015) 120g. Blu-ray disc containing a collection of 22 3D shorts/previews of rare restored archival 3D films dating from the early 1920s. 147 minutes duration. |
Alpers, J. | 3D Frequently Asked Questions. (1995) PB. 52pp. 170g. Compiled from 3-D mailing list. |
Atkinson, H. | Infrared Training Centre (ITC) User Conference. (2017) PB. 49pp. Presentation by Harry Atkinson on Adding Another Dimension to Thermography. |
* * Beech, M. | Digital Stereo Tutorial. (2007) CD rom. 40g. Comprehensive information on every aspect of producing digital stereo pairs including 2D to 3D conversion. Lots of stereo pics. |
* * Beech, M. | 3D Stereo Magic. (2008) PB. + CD. 100 pp. 200g. Detailed guide to stereo window & frame manipulation. Lots of stereo pics on the CD (also available from download). |
* Bishton, D., Cameron, A. & Druckrey, T. | Digital Dialogues: Vol 2, No.2: Photography in the Age of Cyberspace (Ten.8). (1991) PB. 128pp. 1100g. With b&w and colour illustrations. |
Blum, M. | Beneath the Sea in 3-D. (1997) HB. 48pp. +V. 540g. Good stereos well described. |
Blum, R. | The Siege of Port Arthur: The Russo-Japanese War Through the Stereoscope. (1987) HB. 103pp. +V. 460g. Illustrated with 73 stereo pairs. |
Blundell, B. G. | 3D Displays & Spatial Interaction: Exploring the Science, Art, Evolution & Use of 3D Technologies (Vol. I: From Perception to Technology). (2011) PB. 2200g. A wide-ranging transdisciplinary work of interest to people who would like to learn more about a broad range of 3D display and interaction techniques. |
Bokum, B.ten | Voiglander Stereo Cameras. (2002) PB. 27pp. 140g. An illustrated (in b&w) catalogue of these stereo cameras. |
Breasted, J.H. | Egypt: A Journey Through the Land of The Pharaohs. (1979) PB.128pp. 460g. Reproduction of Underwood & Underwood stereo-card set of 1905. |
Breger, D. | Through the Electronic Looking Glass: 3-D Images from a Scanning Electron Microscope. (1995) PB. 68pp. +V. 280g. Micrograph anaglyphs. |
Brewster, Sir David | The Stereoscope: Its History Theory & Construction. (1856) HB. 248pp. 380g. The Library has a valuable first edition available for reference and a facsimile copy for borrowing. |
Brown, T. | Stereoscopic Phenomena of Light & Sight. (1994) PB. 112pp. 200g. A guide to the practice of stereoscopic photography and its relation to binocular vision & a digest of stereoscopic appliances. |
Burder, D. | 3-D 2 x 50 x 50 Projection. (1990) PB. 15pp. 40g. |
Burder, D. & Whitehouse, P. | Photographing in 3-D. (1985 & 1992) PB. 32pp. +V. 110g. Good introduction to stereo for the uninitiated. |
Cahen, O. | L’Image en Relief – de la Photographie Stereoscopique a la Video 3D. (1990) PB. 186pp. 350g. In French. |
Casterline, L.C. | The Universe in 3D. (2005) HB. 94pp. +V. 600g. Contains 40 stereo pairs ranging from the launch of Apollo II & the 1st man on the moon to a star that exploded in a supernova. |
Chauvierre, M. | La Télévision en Relief: 3D TV. (1978) PB. 94pp. 160g .In French . |
Chris, C. | La Guadeloupe en Relief: Photo Guide. (1980s) PB. 64pp. +V. 290g. Bilingual with 36 anaglyphs. |
Clerk, L. P. | Photography Theory & Practice. (1930) HB. 566pp. 2100g. Includes a chapter on Stereoscopy. |
Coe, B. | Cameras: From Daguerreotypes to Instant Pictures. (1978) HB. 240pp. 1290g. A general history with 15 pages on stereo. |
* Cooper, J.L. | 3D Photography Book. (2011) HB. 144pp. 500g. Covers basics from analogue to digital stereo including different techniques and a brief history of 3D. With cross-eye view and anaglyph stereo images. |
Cornwell-Clyne, A | 3-D Kinematography & New Screen Techniques. (1954) HB. 266pp. 850g. |
Dalgoutte, W.C. | Stereo Glossary. (1967 & 1977 updated by D. Wratten 1999) PB. 10pp/ 15pp. 90g. |
Dalzell, J.M | Practical Stereoscopic Photography. (1936) HB. 224pp. 490g. 2nd edition with E..F.Linssen. (1953) HB. 240pp. 380g. Idiosyncratic but interesting. |
Darrah, W.C. | The World of Stereographs. (1977) HB. 246pp. 1120g. “THE” history of the stereo card. |
Darrah, W.C. & Russack, R. | An Album of Stereographs. (1977) PB. 110pp. 270g. Late Victorian domestic scenes. |
Dewhurst, H. | Introduction to 3-D: Three Dimensional Photography in Motion Pictures. (1954) HB. 152pp. 400g. |
Dinkins, G. | London in 3D: A Look Back in Time. (2009) HB. 96pp. +V. 700g. 45 monochromatic stereo views of London c.1850s – 1930s. |
Doldi, L. | Toulouse en 3D: Les Splendeurs de la Ville Rose en Relief. (2014) PB. 144pp. +V. 920g. 150 anaglyph images of this French city. Text in French and English. |
Drouin, F. | The Stereoscope & Stereoscopic Photography. (1894) HB. 184pp. 250g. Translation from the French by Matthew Surface. First edition. |
Duncan, K. | 3D Australia – An Awesome 3-Dimensional Experience. (2003) HB. 96pp. +V. 550g. A stereo collection of 45 Australian scenes. |
Dyckman, D. | Hidden Dimensions. (1994) HB. 64pp. 400g. Autostereograms of hidden objects. |
Earle, E.W. | Points of View: The Stereograph in America – A Cultural History. (1979) PB. 119pp. 440g. Examples of American stereos 1850-1910. Stereo pairs. |
Elsinga, H. | Fotograferen in 3-D. (1983) PB. 23pp. 80g. In Dutch. |
English, H.W. | Stereo Representations of 3-Dimensional Scenes. (1951) PB. 39pp. 70g. |
Everett, F. | Calculations for The Stereo Photographer. (1971) PB. 49pp. 90g. |
Everett, H. | Optical Telescopes: Bradford Astronomical Society. (1986) PB. 84pp. 120g. Very technical. |
Everett, H.B. | Mounts and Masking: The Stereoscopic Society. (1980) PB. 8pp. 25g. Very sound. |
Ferwerda, J.G. | The World of 3-D: A Practical Guide to Stereo Photography. (1982) HB. 306pp. 900g. 2nd Ed. (1990) 300pp. 870g. No. 1 book on stereo technique. |
Flemming, P. May, B. & Pellerin, D. | Diableries – Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell. (2013) HB. 280pp. +V. 2400g. Contains photographs in colour and black & white from a set of 19th century French stereo cards depicting modeled images of hell with devils, demons, satyrs and lots of skeletons. |
Gauthier, S. | Traite et Methodes Modernes de Stereoscopie. (1990) PB. 146 pp. 450g. Heavy going. In French. |
Gesellschaft fur Stereoskopie | 3-D Magazin. (1992 – 1998) PB. c200g. Quarterly German/ Swiss stereo magazine with 3D material and including coloured stereo pics. Text in German. |
** Gibbs, P. | Stereoscopic Meetings. (2013) Blu-ray disc. 500g. 27 minutes 3D video filmed by Society member Paul Gibbs of Stereoscopic Society meetings. |
Girling, A.N. | Stereoscopic Drawing: A Theory of 3-D Vision & its Application to Stereoscopic Drawing. (1990) HB. 108pp. +V. 780g. |
Gowland, P. | The Art and Technique of Stereo Photography. (1954) HB. 128pp. 450g. A light-hearted approach with lots of “”revealing”” photographs.” |
Hayes, S.L. | 3-D Hollywood. (1992) HB. 95pp. +V. 770g. Stereo images of film stars by Harold Lloyd. |
Herbert, S | Theodore Brown’s Magic Pictures. (1997) HB. 126pp. 700g. Interesting, but little stereo. |
Hinterkircher, J. | Under Water – A 3D Wonderland. (1994) HB. 240pp. +V. 970g. Good stereo pairs and text. |
International Stereoscopic Union | Stereoscopy. (From1981) PB. c100g. Quarterly international stereo magazine (text in English) covering various stereo items and including coloured stereo pics. |
International Stereoscopic Union | Stereoscopy, Technical Supplement (Issues 1 – 23). PB. 380g. |
International Stereoscopic Union | Stereoscopy Volume 1 (Issues 1-17: 1976-82) PB. 500g. (Incomplete and with loose pages.) Volume 2 (Issues 18-28: 1982-1984). PB. 430g. |
* * IT3D Ltd. | IT3D Stereo-Photo System. (2006) CD rom. 70g. Tutorials on creating digital stereo colour images. With stereo pics. |
Jacobs, N. & O’Quinn, K. | Fantastic 3-D. (1982) PB. 98pp. +V. 290g. Non-technical history, films & comics. |
Jacob, V. & Sagurna, S. | The Great War in 3D. (2014) HB. 239pp. +V. 1700g. Focusing on the hum drum reality of life in the trenches during the 1st world war, b&w stereo pairs and mono photographs taken by 2 young German frontline officers. Text in German, Dutch & English. |
Javins, M. | 3-D World Atlas & Tour. (2008) HB. 95pp. +V(x2). 600g. Described as a travel experience, maps and information with a number of anaglyph 3D scenes from around the world. |
Johnstone, T. | Magic 3D. (1995) HB. 64pp. 450g. Popular survey of history of stereo pairs. |
Jones, J. | Wonders of the Stereoscope. (1976) Part 1. HB. 126pp. 720g. Boxed set Parts 1 & 2 with Victorian cards. +V. 1750g. |
Judge, A.W. | Stereoscopic Photography: Its Application to Science Industry & Education. 1st Edition. (1926) HB. 239pp. 990g. 3rd Edition (1950) HB. 480pp. 680g. An early classic still worth reading. |
Kaiser, J.B. | Make Your Own Stereo Pictures. (1955) HB. 344pp. 580g. Good on basics. |
Keulen, W.van | 3-D Past and Present. (1986) PB. 28pp. 190g. Includes 3 View-Master reels. |
Kibbey, M. | The Railroad Photographs of Alfred A. Hart, Artist. (1996) HB. 238pp. 1480g. Early American railways. Interesting text with about 300 stereo pairs |
Klein, A., Weiland, F. & Bode, R. | 3D – Aber Wie – Von den Magischen Bildern zur 3D-Fotografie. (1995) HB. 64pp. 600g. Information in German, with colour stereo pairs & stereograms. |
Kleinsmiede, H.zur | 3-D Mounting Guide: A Practical Guide to Mounting Stereo Slides. (1993) PB. 24pp. 70g. Almost too elementary. |
Klutho, D. | In Your Face 3-D – The Best 3-D Book Ever! (2008) HB. 96pp. +V. 950g. Literally ‘in-your-face’ 3D anaglyph shots of various sporting activities many full page. Very effective. |
Knuchel, H. | Reise ins Land der 3.Dimension. (1983) PB. 96pp. +V. 260g. 40 b&w stereo pairs of various subjects. Text in German. |
Knuche, H. | Augentrost. (2006) PB. 68pp. +V. 300g. 52 colour & b&w stereo pairs incl. close-ups of plants insects etc. Text in German with English translation. |
Koeppe, H.H. | Designs for a Stereo (Projection) Alignment Jig. (1985) PB. 34pp. 50g. |
Koschnitzke, C. Mehnert, R. & Quick P. | Faszinierende Natur Dreidimensional. (1983) HB. 100pp. +V. 940g. 45 large vertically separated stereo pairs of mainly flowers & insects. Text in German. |
Kunoh, H. & Takaoki, E. | 3-D Planet: The World as Seen through Stereograms. (1994) HB.41pp. 500g. |
Levy, S. | 1999 Yearbook – Stereo Society of America. PB. 115pp. 410g. Lots of b&w stereo pairs. |
Levy, S. | 2000 Yearbook – Stereo Society of America. PB. 149pp. 870g. Lots of b&w stereo pairs. |
Linssen, E.F | Stereo-Photography in Practice: A Practical Guide for Photographers & Microscopists. (1952) HB. 332pp. 730g. Comprehensive but dull. |
Lloyd, S. | Harold Lloyd’s Hollywood Nudes in 3-D. (2004) HB. 154pp. 1100g. Around 200 photographs although not all in 3-D of Hollywood starlets by silent movies film star Harold Lloyd. 3D anaglyphs. |
Lorenz, D. | Anaglyphen: Stereo-afbeeldingen Rond Kunst Weenschap en Techniek. (1987) PB. 95pp. +V. 350g. 45 full-page anaglyphs. Text in Dutch. |
McKay, H.C | Three Dimensional Photography: Principles of Stereoscopy. (1951) HB. 334pp. 750g. Very sound. |
McPherson, A. & Timms, H. | The Audio-Visual Handbook: Complete Guide to Techniques. (1988) PB. 256pp. 750g. Relevant to projection sessions but nothing specific on stereo. |
May, B. & Vidal, E. | A Village Lost and Found. (2009). An annotated tour of the 1850s stereo card series ‘Scenes in our Village’ photographed by T.R. Williams. HB. 240pp. +V. 2300g. Provides an insight into Victorian village scenery and life. |
Melcher, C. | Peepshow: 1950s Pin-Ups in 3-D. (2001) HB. 96pp. +V. 330g. 47 stereo pairs of 1950s female figure studies in colour. Good photos but 5 pseudo. |
* Mendiburu, B. | 3D Movie Making – Stereoscopic Digital Cinema from Script to Screen. (2009) PB. 223pp. +V. 530g. Self-explanatory title. For digital 3D movie production. |
Morgan, W.D. & Lester, H.M. | Stereo Realist Manual. (1954) HB. 400pp. +V. 860g. The definitive book on Realist stereo. No.2 after Ferwerda for technology. Very comprehensive. |
Morgan, H. & Symms, D. | Amazing 3-D. (1982) PB. 174pp. +V. 620g. Anaglyphs, includes comics & movies. |
National Stereoscopic Association | Stereo World. (From 1998) PB. c200g. Bi-monthly American stereo magazine “devoted to the past, present & future of true stereoscopic imaging”. Contains articles and coloured stereo pics. |
Nazarieff, S. | Stereo Nudes 1850-1930. (1987) HB. 160pp. 1100g. A popular book. |
Norton, R. | Stereoviews Illustrated, Volume 1: Fifty Early American. (1994) PB. 64pp. 200g. Early American b&w stereo pairs. |
N.E. Thing Enterprises | Magic Eye – Do You See What I See? (1994) HB. 32pp. 230g. Stereograms. |
N.E. Thing Enterprises | Magic Eye II – 3D Illusions (1994) HB. 32pp. 430g. Stereograms. |
Ogram, G. R. | Magical Images: A Handbook of Stereo Photography. (2001) PB. 315pp. 1000g. Excellent coverage. 2nd Ed. (2016) PB. 572pp. 1250g. 2nd Ed. more comprehensive with up to date information on digital photography. With coloured images including some stereo pairs taken by the author. |
Palmquist, P.E. | Lawrence & Houseworth/Thomas Housewoth & Co.: A Unique View of the West 1860 – 1886. (1980) HB. 150pp. 670g. Includes b&w stereos. |
Paris Museums. | Paris in 3-D. (2000) HB. 291pp. +V. 1750g. Lots of pictures. |
Perin, J. | Jules Richard et la Magie du Relief. (1993) HB. 189pp. 550g. A history of the introduction & development by its inventor Jules Richard of the Verascope stereo camera. Lots of details. Text in French. |
Raumbild-Verlag | Schöne Heimat. 24 real photos 6 x 13cm. +V. 310g. Captions trilingual. |
Rheingold, H. | Stereogram. (1994) PB. 95pp. 300g. Stereograms & stereo pairs including textual information. |
Robinson, J. | Margate in 3D Past & Present. (2017) PB. 75pp. +V. 400g. Lots of anaglyphs, mainly of Victorian Margate reproduced from Victorian stereo cards, with historical detail for each. |
Rothstein, B. | Pop-Up 3D: Discover Phantograms. (2007) PB. 32pp. +V(x 2). 340g. 32 anaglyph phantograms of various subjects including animals etc. Whilst originally aimed at younger viewers it is suitable for all ages. Effective phantograms. |
Rothstein, B. | Eye-Popping 3-D Pets: Phantogram Animals You Can Practically Pet! (2009) HB. 32pp. +V(x2). 700g. 28 anaglyph phantogram pets jump out at you from the pages. Also containing useful facts about the pets. |
Rothstein, B. | Phantograms from Nature. (2005) PB. 36pp. +V(x2). 620g. 32 anaglyph phantograms of Nature taken in natural settings around the USA. |
Rothstein, B. & Zone, R. | Crossview 3D. (2009) PB. 50pp. 330g. A variety of colour stereo pairs for crosseye viewing. |
Romney, E. | Stereo-Realist Camera Repair – Repair & Users Guide. (1978) PB. 26pp. 180g. Useful information. |
R.P.S.Colour Group | Stereophotography: Monograph No.2. (1978) PB. 115pp. 400g. Interesting collection of articles from 1953 to 1977. Edited by M. Baker. |
Sammon, R. & S. | Wild Safari in 3-D. (1996) HB. 28pp. +V. 300g. Aimed mainly at younger viewers, anaglyph images of wild animals on a safari through the Serengeti, including information about the animals. Disappointing stereo. |
Sampson, O.H. | Verascope Richard. (1924) PB. 36pp. 120g. Information including b&w photos of this early French stereo camera. |
Selle, W. | 3D im Bücherspiegel: zur Bibliographie der Stereoskopie 1939-70 nebst Normentwurfen. (1971) PB. 100pp. 150g. In German. |
Selle, W. | Stereofotos – Wann, Wie Womit? (1974) PB. 31pp. 80g. A reprint of the chapter on stereoscopic shooting from a photographic textbook published in 1956. In German. |
Speel, S, | Stereo Cine 16mm in the 1980’s. Part 1. (1980) PB. 28pp. 200g. |
Spottiswoode, R. & N. | Stereo Transmission & its Application to the Motion Picture. (1953) HB. 178pp. 500g. Stereo theory. |
Starkman, D. & Pinsky, S. | The Nimslo 3D Book. (1986 & 1988) PB. 28pp/64pp. 130g/230g. Very readable but of real value only to Nimslo camera owners |
** Stereo Aids | A Taste of 3D. CD Rom plus large 3D viewer. 530g. |
Stéréo-Club Français. | Images en Relief d’Aujourd’hui. (2003) HB. 95pp. +V. 900g. Published on the French Stereo Club’s centenary, contains around 200 of the best stereo pairs from its members the majority in colour. Text in French and English. |
* * Stereoscopic Society | The Stereoscopic Society Exhibitions. (2013 – 2017) Anaglyph DVD and Blu-ray discs. 2013 & 2014 discs each 100g, 2015, 2016 & 2017 discs each 50g. 3D presentations of all the members’ Exhibition entries, with audio commentary. Produced by the Society’s AV Group. 2013 & 2015 discs each 66 minutes duration, 2014 disc 64 minutes duration, 2016 disc 27 minutes duration, 2017 disc 51 minutes duration. |
* * Stereoscopic Society | The Stereoscopic Society Folio Groups Shows. (2014 – 2018) Anaglyph DVD and Blu-ray discs. 2014 disc 100g, 2015 – 2018 discs each 50g. 3D presentations of selection of images produced by members of the Society’s slides, prints & digital folio groups. Produced by the Society’s AV Group. 2014 disc 20 minutes duration, 2015 disc 12 minutes duration, 2016 disc 14 minutes duration, 2017 disc 11 minutes duration, 2018 disc 14 minutes duration. |
Sugiyama, M. | 3D Museum. (1996) HB. 82pp. +V. 600g. High quality stereo interpretation of classical paintings. |
Symons, K,C.M. | Stereo Photography: The Technique of the Third Dimension. (1957) HB. 224pp. 280g. Focal Press Handbook. Somewhat dated but sound. |
Symons, K.C.M | Time Exposure: The History of the Stereoscopic Society. (1985) PB. 50pp. 110g. |
Symons, K.C.M. | Stereoscopic Cameras. (1981) PB. 44pp. 200g. Known cameras up to 1981. |
Temple, B. | Into the Third Dimension. (1999) PB. 38pp. 140g. Society Member. |
Themelis, G.A. | How to Use and Maintain your Stereo Realist (plus An Introduction to Stereo Photography). (1999) PB. 125pp. 380g. Excellent. |
Thimbleby, H.W. | Autostereograms. (1990s) PB. 15pp. 230g. Very technical. |
Thomson, C.L. | Build Your Own Stereo Equipment: Notes on Making and Using Stereo Equipment. (1954) HB. 120pp. 250g. Interesting ideas. |
* * Three-D Unlimited | New York CD Rom. (1999) +V. 90g. OK. |
Time-Life International | The Camera. (1974) HB. 236pp. 1200g. General on photography. |
Tongue, M. | 3D Expo 1862: A Magic Journey to Victorian England. (2006) HB. 112 pp. +V. 640g. Numerous stereo pairs. |
Tydings, K.S. | The Revere 33 Stereo Camera Guide. (1953) PB. 124pp 210g. Good guide. |
Valyus, N.A. | Stereoscopy. (1962) HB. 426pp. +V. 1350g. Somewhat academic Russian viewpoint. |
Waack, F.G. | Stereo Photography: An Introduction to Stereo Photo Technology & Practical Suggestions for Stereo Photography. (1985) PB. 72pp. 110g. Very mathematical. |
Waldsmith, J. | Stereo Views: An Illustrated History & Price Guide. (1991) HB. 271pp. 800g. An accepted reference book. 2nd Ed. (2002) PB. 336pp. 600g. |
Weiser, W. | Stereo Cameras since 1930. (1988) PB. 140pp. 380g. 69 cameras illustrated. |
Weiser, W. | Stereo Cameras Using Film. (2004) HB. 270pp. 1630g. 150 illustrations. |
White, R. | Discovering Old Cameras. (1981) PB. 88pp. 100g. Traces the development of the camera from its origins. With some b&w photos. |
Whitehouse, P. | The Pat Whitehouse Show. (1989) PB. 24pp. 100g. Contains 3 Viewmaster reels of Pat’s excellent stereo nature photographs: ‘The Hallelujah Chorus’, ‘At Home’ and ‘Close-up in 3-D’. A must see pictorial nature experience for any stereo enthusiast. Viewmaster viewer not included. |
Will, G. | The Keystone Re-creation Project : A Trip Around the World – Then & Now, Germany – Vol 1. (2009) PB. 22pp. 90g. 10 Keystone German stereocard views revisited to see how they have changed after 100 years, by German stereographer Gisela Will.. |
Wilman, C.W. | Simplified Stereoscopic Photography: A Practical Handbook. (1949) HB. 73pp. 250g.Very simple. |
Wing, P. | Stereoscopes: The First One Hundred Years. (1996) PB & HB. 262pp. 1030g. A well researched book and now the definitive work on the subject. |
Zeller, Bob | The Civil War in Depth Volume II. HB. 120pp. 900g. Lots of stereo pairs. |
Zettersten, H. | Stereobild i Foto och Film. (1964) HB. 172 pp. 260g. Stereo Image in Photo & Film. In Swedish. |