The Stereoscopic Society offers members a range of Folio Groups where like-minded members can share their work. There are Groups that cover all stereoscopic formats based on film and digital media. In general, these groups involve the postal circulation of prints or transparencies although online resources are available for those interested in sharing digital images and AV content. Further details of the Folio Group activities are detailed below, including contact details for each group.
P – Prints. Secretary: BRIAN DAVIS.
The earliest in the Society. Members circulate prints in classic Stereocard (side-by-side) format, View-Magic (above / below) format or as Anaglyphs (Red / Cyan). The group members may use film and digital camera sources, as well as computer graphic imagery (CGI). Comment sheets are used to record members observations.
Contact: Brian Davis
T – Slides. Secretary: JOHN BAILEY.
The original group using the 41 x 101 format film slides. The postal Folios in circulation include original mounted slides sourced from 35mm film cameras, alongside digital copies on a USB flash drive. Comment sheets are used similarly to other Groups.
Contact: John Bailey
D – Digital. Secretary: ROY SMYTH.
This group is now entirely cloud-based: image pairs are uploaded and members comment on a spreadsheet template. Regular changes of folio images, supported by real-time comments and responses by authors.
Contact: Roy Smyth
AV – Audio Visual. Secretary: MIKE HILLYARD.
This group has been formed for those Society members wishing to produce stereoscopic audio-visual shows with still images and video content. The group has a growing membership and utilises the internet (Dropbox), to share information, tutorials and work examples. The group activities include preparation of the Society’s annual exhibition and other AV shows presented around the clubs and at Convention.
A selection of Group members’ work is compiled each year for presentation at the annual Stereoscopic Society Convention and elsewhere.
Contact: Mike Hillyard
Please contact the Groups Coordinator with general enquiries.