How To ….

There are many ways of displaying stereoscopic 3-D images and listed below are a series of articles written by members of our Society showing the workflows that they use. As with many computer programs there are multiple ways of achieving a result and these articles are not intended to be definitive ways of working but written on the basis of “what works well for me”.

Preparing Digital Images for the Annual Competition

Preparing 3D images for projection

Viewing Stereoscopic 3D images

An introduction to Stereoscopic 3-D

Digital images Specifications

A work flow for preparing digital images for Projection

The Magix way of making 3-D videos

Making AV shows with Magix Movie Edit Pro

Viewing Fuji 3D video on 3D TV.pdf download

Managing stereoscopic content for 3D-TV – Part 1Part 2Part 3

ProShow Gold Stereo Workflow Methods

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